Welcome to SMCTD
The San Mateo County Transit District is the administrative body for the principal public transit and transportation programs in San Mateo County: SamTrans bus service, including Redi-Wheels paratransit service, Caltrain commuter rail and the San Mateo County Transportation Authority. Caltrain and the TA have contracted with the District to serve as their managing agency, under the direction of their boards of directors.
Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board
San Mateo County Transportation Authority
101 Express Lanes
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Latest News
San Mateo County Transportation Authority launches 101 Corridor Connect Mid-County survey — public feedback requested
Highway 101 is essential for connecting communities and supporting the local economy. As part...
Caltrain Connects to Fleet Week in San Francisco
Fleet Week is back in the Bay, and Caltrain’s new electric fleet is flying back and forth a...
SamTrans Board Accepting Applications for Public Members
The San Mateo County Transit District Board of Directors is seeking applicants to fill two pu...
Have a say in the future of San Mateo County transportation as part of a citizen’s oversight committee
The San Mateo County Transit District (SamTrans) is looking to fill five seat vacancies on it...
Caltrain Connects to the Portola Music Festival
Portola is back, and between Caltrain’s half hourly weekend service and the lack of parking...